Bulk Items

At HomeSlice Stays, we understand that stocking a vacation rental home involves more than just furniture. It’s about those subtle finishing touches that elevate the guest experience from good to exceptional. As seasoned vacation rental interior designers, we recognize the myriad of items that contribute to creating the perfect ambiance for guests.

From the moment your guests step foot into the property, they’ll find meticulously curated details – plush linens that invite them to sink into comfort, tasteful decor accents that add personality to each room, and kitchen essentials that make dining-in a delightful experience.

But it doesn’t stop there. We know that the little extras matter: cozy throws for chilly evenings, quality toiletries that pamper, and even the smallest details like stylish coasters or elegant tableware. It’s these thoughtful touches that leave a lasting impression on guests.

At HomeSlice Stays, our expertise extends beyond mere furnishings. Our contact page is your gateway to a tailored design service, ensuring that every corner of your vacation rental reflects sophistication and charm. Elevate your guest experience with those finishing touches that transform a rental into a haven. Trust HomeSlice Stays to design spaces that captivate and leave guests yearning for a return visit.